Thomas Lloyd Priest

Weber State UniversityDepartment of Performing Arts

1905 University Circle

Ogden, UT 84408-1905

(801) 626-7181



To continue to learn as a musician, researcher, and teacher





1993-1997, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,  Doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Music           




1990-1992, University of Colorado at Boulder, Master of Music in Bassoon, minor area: aesthetics, history and      literature




1989 & 1991, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, Orff Certification: Levels I & II




1977-1981 & 1983, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Bachelor of Music Education



Bassoon Instructors

Timothy McGovern, University of Illinois, Urbana

  Yoshiyuki Ishikawa, University of Colorado, Boulder


Ronald Klimko, University of Colorado, Boulder


Mordechai Rechtmann, Tel Aviv and Indiana University-Bloomington


Sidney Rosenberg, Indiana University, Bloomington


Roger Birnstingl, Indiana University , Bloomington


William Waterhouse, Master class


Leonard Hindell, Master class


TEACHING  EXPERIENCE                          


Associate Professor

2001-present, Weber State University, Director of Music Education; Courses taught: Music for Elementary Teachers, Junior High Methods, High School Methods, Instrumental Methods for Choral Education Students, Bassoon, Supervision of student teachers, Supervision of pre-student teaching field experience. Advisor: Music Education Majors, MENC Student Chapter.

Assistant Professor

1997-2001, The Ohio State University, Assistant Professor of Music and Education; Courses taught: music methods for students enrolled in the Masters of Education degree program, basic musicianship for elementary classroom teachers, survey of western art music, music cultures of the world, piano class, theory and aural skills for nonmajors, small instrumental ensembles


1994-1997, Millikin University, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music; Courses taught: general music methods for music majors, music for elementary education majors, theory, and bassoon; Coordinator of early field experience for seniors in music education; Recitals and Outreach programs with the Faculty Woodwind Quintet




Music Specialist

1992-1993, Boulder Valley School District, instrumental and       general music classes, Boulder, Colorado


1988-1990, Gunnison Watershed School District, instrumental and general music classes, Gunnison, Colorado




Bassoon Instructor

1991-1992, Rocky Ridge Music Center, Estes Park, Colorado


1980, Indiana University High School Summer Music Clinic, Bloomington, Indiana



Graduate Assistant                                   

1993-1996, University of Illinois, Holy Cross School (university lab school), supervision and instruction of undergraduates in classroom setting, supervision of student teachers, videotape collection and analysis          


1990-1992, University of Colorado, music appreciation, jazz history, coaching undergraduate woodwind quintet



2006, Clinician, Utah Suzuki Association

2005, Clinician, "Why Foster Creative Thinking?" Utah Music Educators Association, St. George, UT

2003, Poster session based on "Self-Evaluation, Musical Creativity, and Musical Achievement," Utah Music Educators Association, St. George, UT.

2002, Lecturer, "Self-Evaluation, Musical Creativity, and Musical Achievement," Society for Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education, Glasgow, Scotland.

2002, Clinician, "Fostering Creative Thinking in Beginning Instrumental Music Classes," Utah Music Educators Association, St. George, UT.


2000-2001, Clinician, WOSB Educational Initiative, Outreach programs for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in Crawford, Wyandot, and Marion Counties, interactive educational programs funded by a grant from Whirlpool.

2000, Lecturer, "Creativity Assessment as a Predictor of Compositional Creativity," New Directions in Music Education: Teaching Composition and Improvisation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

2000, Poster session based on "Creativity Assessment as a Predictor of Creativity in Performance and Composition," Ohio Music Educators Association, Cleveland, OH.

1999, Fostering Creative Thinking in Beginning Instrumental Music Classes, Ohio Music Educators Association/North Central MENC Professional Conference, Cincinnati, OH


1995, Music Education in Illinois: The Next 100 Years, "Integrating Music Into The Elementary Classroom Curriculum," Urbana, IL


1988, NESA (Near East and South Asian Overseas Schools) Teachers Conference, Bangkok, Thailand



Music Instructor          

1985-1988, The Anglican International School, general, instrumental, and choral music (grades 1-12),  Jerusalem, Israel







Principal Bassoon


1999- 2001, The Mansfield Symphony Orchestra, Mansfield, Ohio


1996-1997, The Millikin-Decatur Symphony Orchestra, Decatur, Illinois


1996-1997, The Prairie Ensemble, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois


1994-1997, Champaign-Urbana Symphony, Urbana, Illinois


1990-1993, Boulder Chamber Orchestra, Boulder, Colorado; 1990-1993, University of Colorado Orchestra and Wind Ensemble


1988-1990, Grand Junction Symphony, Grand Junction, Colorado Summer Tour (1990) and Freelance


1984-1985, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Jerusalem, Israel, (freelance: 1985-1988)



Co-principal Bassoon

1982, Santiago Philharmonic Orchestra, Santiago, Chile





1993-1997, Champaign-Urbana Symphony; 1994, Terre Haute Symphony, Terre Haute, Indiana;



Composer, Collaborator, Musician

2006-present, Demolition Derby: when a mind loses its license to drive. Performances in Salt Lake, Ogden, and New York


2001-present, The Utah Chamber Orchestra, Ballet West Orchestra, Principal and Second Bassoon.


1998- 2001, Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra, Delaware, Ohio

1998-2001, Marion Concert Band, Marion, Ohio


1997-2001, Winds of the Heart, a wind ensemble dedicated to interactive educational programming


1996-1997, The Front Porch Quintet (An affiliate of the Prairie Ensemble), Urbana, Illinois; Millikin Faculty Woodwind Quintet, Decatur, Illinois


1995, Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Springfield, Illinois; 1994-present, Sinfonia da Camera, Urbana, Illinois;


1990-1993, Allegro non Troppo, eclectic ensemble, performances throughout the Rocky Mountain Region, Educational Concerts


1979-1980, Evansville Symphony Orchestra, Evansville, Indiana; 1980-1981, Owensboro Symphony Orchestra, Owensboro, Kentucky



Guest Artist

1992, Music in the Mountains, Estes Park, Colorado


1988-1991, Western State College, Faculty Ensembles, Soloist, Gunnison, Colorado




2007, "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed," Facutly Recital, Weber State University

2005, "Rich with Rags," Faculty Recital, Weber State University.

2003, "Thrills, Chills, and Things that go Bump in the Night" Faculty Recital, Weber State University.

2003, "Warm Thoughts for a Winter's Eve," Faculty Recital, Weber State University.

2001, Marion Concert Band.

1990-1992, University of Colorado: Recitals, Graduate Woodwind Quintet, jazz combo


1981, Indiana University, Mozart Bassoon Concerto



Principal Bassoon

Second Bassoon


1977-1983, Indiana University: orchestras, wind ensembles, chamber ensembles, woodwind quintets, chamber orchestras, recitals, concertos, new music ensembles



International Double Reed Society

Music Educators National Conference

Society of Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education

Utah Music Educators Association



State Student Representative

1980-1981, Indiana Music Educators Association, Executive Board




Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman Fellowship for Doctoral Studies in Music Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1993-1994




"The Reliability of Three Groups of Judges' Assessments of Creativity Under Three Conditions" The Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Winter, 2006, (167).

"Self-Evaluation, Creativity, and Musical Achievement," Psychology of Music, 34(1) 2006.

"Thinking in a Different Kind of Classroom," In Dimensions of Musical Learning and Teaching: A Different Kind of Classroom, (Edited by E. Boardman), MENC, 2002.

"Creative Thinking in Instrumental Music Classes," Music Educators Journal, 88(4), 2002.

"Using Creativity Assessment Experience to Nurture and Predict Compositional Creativity," Journal of Research in Music Education. 49(3), 2001. Translated by        Wu Dongpan and reprinted in the Journal of Xi'an Conservatory of Music, 21(4), Xi'an Shanxi, Peoples Republic of China, 2002.

"Creativity Assessment as a Predictor of Creativity in Performance and Composition," Contributions to Music Education, 28(1), 2001.

Review of the recording To Drive the Dark Away: Songs and Dances for the Winter Solstice from Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway, Kodaly Envoy, Summer, 1999.

Review of the recording Celtic Roads: Through Ireland, Scotland, and Brittany, Kodaly Envoy, Summer, 1999.

Review of the book Celebrate the Spring: Spring and May Day Celebrations for Schools and Communities. Kodaly Envoy, Spring, 1999.

Fostering Creative and Critical Thinking in a Beginning Instrumental Music Class, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, DAI, 58/11, 3870A, 1997.

"Improvisation: An Aesthetic Framework for the Twenty-First Century," The Double Reed, Winter, 1994



"The Effects of Providing Novice Composers with The Verbal Compositional Strategies of Capable Peers," Hemingway Vitality Grant, Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee, Weber State University, 2004

"Assessing Musical Creativity," Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee, Weber State University, 2001


"Consistency in Assessing Creativity," Research Grant, Ohio State University, 2000.


"Public Radio Educational Initiative," Citizenship Grant, Whirlpool Foundation of the Whirlpool Corporation, 2000


"Nonmusic Majors Creativity Assessements as Predictors of Creativity in Performance and Composition," Level 1 Grant, The Ohio State University College of the Arts, 1999


"The Nature of Children's Musical Knowledge as demonstrated in a Computer Assisted Learning Environment," Seed Grant; The Ohio State University, 1999


"Resonating Music Learning," Teaching Enhancement; "Musical Composition in a Computer Assisted Learning Environment," Teaching Enhancement; The Ohio State University, 1998


"Assessment Strategies for Music Teaching and Learning," Teaching and Research Enhancement, The Ohio State University, 1997


Learn and Serve America Grant, Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service, Decatur, Illinois, 1995


Colorado Council for the Arts and Humanities, Artists in Residence, 1992



Creative and Critical Thinking in Music Learning Environments, Learning Modalities, Computer Assisted Instruction, Early Childhood, and Teacher Education